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Before you can have a conversation you have to be able to speak the language. This is groundwork. It allows us to communicate with our horse at the most basic level before we engage in complicated conversations like riding. Every interaction you have with your horse counts. Interacting from the ground or from the back of your horse are not two isolated actions. They are both just as important. What you do and feel on the ground has influence on your riding.

With groundwork we can teach our horse the 5 basics principles (first free in the roundpen as well as lunging and later through work in hand or other ways like long reining) that will be used while riding and help them use their body in the right way. We can help them grow stronger and improve their flexibility as well as agility. Straightness is key.

But most importantly we can communicate with our horses in a way that makes the most sense to them, namely in their own language and by doing so we establish our position as leader as well as trust which will help us in every interaction with our horse. 

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